Resources for Victims
Children's Programs
1130-C Austin Avenue
Coquitlam, BC -

Serving families and childcare providers by offering free consultation, support and referral services to parents seeking child care.
204-5623 Imperial Street
Burnaby, BC -

Parent support circles, grandparents raising grandchildren support circles and resources, parent education classes and workshops, child protection advocates.
300-906 Roderick Avenue
Coquitlam, BC -
Provides child protection services, mental health services, guardianship and adoption services, residential resources and youth services.
3435 Victoria Drive
Coquitlam, BC -

Informal drop-in centre for families and caregivers with infants and children under 5. Adult participants can find support and friendship, programs to enhance family life and valuable community information, while their children play nearby in a safe, enriching environment.
2062 Manning Avenue
Port Coquitlam, BC -

A parent education and support resource for families with children from birth to 12 years old. MCFD referred.
Programs include:
- Outreach – home and community visits with family counselor who helps with parenting skills and family goal setting.
- Family Development Response – with MCFD short term home intervention in order to avoid a child protection investigation. Thorough assessments and reporting.
- Support Facilitation – immediate response to secure housing needs, applying for financial assistance. MCFD referred.
- Access Support Visitation – assist and facilitate supervised visits.
- Mother Goose Program – group program for parents and their children through music and stories. Community building as well.
- Playful Possibilities (formerly Make the Connection) – A drop-in play group (birth to 5 years) where parents learn about the ages and states of development; educate the parent regarding interactive play and its effect on language, socialization, problem solving and fine motor development.
- Budget Gourmet – six to eight families come together to plan, budget, prepare and eat agreed-upon menus.
- You Make The Difference – a program which supports parents of kids (birth to 6 years) foster and enrich their children’s early language, social and literacy development.
- Strong Kids – a Middle Childhood initiative aimed at teaching social and emotional competency in kids 6-12 years. Kids learn and practice skills in conflict resolution, dealing with difficult feelings, sharing feelings through art, games, and written exercises.
2027 Henderson Place
1163 Pinetree Way
Coquitlam, BC -

Family counseling, parenting after separation, teen-parent support group, nobody’s perfect (dealing with parenting concerns).
Harbour View Elementary School
960 Lillian Street
Coquitlam, BC -

- Step Together Learning Centre (daycare/preschool, kindercare, and out of school care)
- Harbour View Out of School Care Program
- Hyde Creek After School Activity Program Skills Enhancement Program
- Workshops and Presentations
Family Support
2601 Lougheed Highway
Coquitlam, BC -

PLEA Integrated Youth Development Program provides outreach services which accommodate a wide range of issues and circumstances for youth and their families. All referrals to PLEA programs (except Kidstart Mentoring Community Program and Onyx) are made through the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
- Intensive Support and Supervision – a community-based one-to-one service for sentenced youth on a court order who are medium to high risk need.
- Youth Agreements Support – provides assistance to youth aged 16-19 for supported independent living. MCFD referred.
- Community Capacity Development (604-927-2600) – community employment opportunities for young people, community service work hours opportunities.
- Kidstart Mentoring – assigns thoroughly screened volunteers to work one-to-one with referred children and youth.
- Onyx (1-877-411-7532) – provides support services to youth who are or have been sexual exploited.
- Tri-Cities Counselling – provides short-term intensive counselling to families, youth, caregivers on an outreach basis. MCFD referred.
2615 Clarke Street
Port Moody, BC -
604-936-3900, CRISIS LINE (24/7): 604-540-2221
Provides a variety of programs for children, youth and adults; fee for service counseling; food bank; thrift store; housing.
Como Lake Church
535 Marmont at King Albert Street
Coquitlam, BC
Open Wednesdays 12:30 to 2:30 PM
Operates on a number system; numbers are given out starting at 10 AM
Fellowship Hall at Trinity United Church
2211 Prairie Avenue at Shaughnessy
Port Coquitlam, BC
Open Wednesdays 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Open Wednesdays 12:30 to 2:00 PM, and Fridays are Bread Giveaway Day from 1:00 to 2:00 PM
The food bank in Port Moody is open 5 days a week from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM and Mondays until 7:00 PM for those with emergency needs and/or work or are trying to work regular office hours.
Grief & Bereavement

- Monday – Friday 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
- A helpline for referral and support
- Community network of support and information
- Brochure of support in BC

Crossroads Support Centre, located in Coquitlam, offers free grief and loss support for youth (13-18), young adults (19-25) and adults. We offer a variety of support groups and one to one emotional support to provide a safe space to explore grief.
4480 Oak St
Vancouver, BC -
Men's Programs

Offers a variety of services designed to help men cope with family breakdown, parenting, non-custodial parent issues and co-parenting from a male perspective. Dad’s drop-in every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 9:00 PM. Call Bruce (Program Director) at the number above.
2027 Henderson Place
1163 Pinetree Way
Port Moody, BC. -

A mutual support for men that meets bi-weekly to discuss sources of stress and to enhance their wellness in a supportive group environment.
Senior Services
411 Dunsmuir St
Vancouver, BC -
Although this program is downtown, they offer a multicultural buddy program, which partners local seniors with those newly arrived in our country. Also offering a vast array of other important networks for seniors in the Lower Mainland.
209-800 McBride Blvd
New Westminster, BC -
Services areas include
- Support Services: Meals on Wheels, Lunch Program, Grocery Shopping, Seniors Link UP, Seniors Transport, Information, Referral and Form Completion Assistance.
- Housing Services: Senior Housing Directory of BC – Assistance to those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness across the Lower Mainland.
- Community Education Services: Community education on housing and services for seniors through workshops and presentations.
700-808 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC -

Services include Assessment and Investigations regarding elder abuse and neglect; substitute health care decision making; financial personal care management.
Provides information on low-cost housing and other housing programs in the Lower Mainland. Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.