FILE: N/A – Port Moody Police Department has added an exchange zone in front of its headquarters.

The idea of the exchange zone is to allow a safe location for citizens to meet and complete online transactions as well as transfer children between parents and/or guardians.  The zone is located outside the front doors of the Port Moody Police Department (3051 St. Johns Street).  There are multiple CCTV cameras facing this well-lit, public location.

” There are certainly risks to carrying out online transactions – we occasionally see instances of frauds, thefts and robberies”  states Constable Sam Zacharias. “While we cannot guarantee everyone’s safety, we do recommend using public venues like this exchange zone to complete these types of transactions to limit risk.”

Police are recommending using the location on business days from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, while the department’s front counter is open.

Constable Sam Zacharias, #122
Community & Media Relations Officer
Port Moody Police Department